Sunday, March 30, 2008

How to Buy a Diamond?

Belgium is known for diamonds. A place where diamonds from many places in the world arrives and gets polished/purified. The value of a diamond is increased hereby.

Antwerp lies to the north of Belgium.. For centuries, Antwerp is known for its top-brass Diamond workers. The craftsmen who were well known for their work of generating the best quality diamonds in the world.
When we went to Antwerp for buying diamonds, we didn't know how to quantify the stuff we pay for. We learned some things there...

Diamond Characteristics :-
A diamond can be classified based on its color, clarity, cut and carat.

Color: They can be of types colorless, near colorless, faint yellow color, very light yelow, light yellow color. A near colorless diamond is a good and common choice.

Clarity: This is a measure of a diamond's internal flaws and impurities. Based on this characteristic, a diamond can be Flawless, Internally flawless, vvs1 or vvs2, vs1 or vs2, si1 or si2, si3, i1, i2 or i3. vvs1 or vvs2 grades are commonly opted ones.

Cut: A diamond cut is not the shape of a diamond. When a diamond is cut in good proportions, light is reflected from the other facet and gets dispersed through top of it. When the diamond is cut too deep, light escapes through opposite sides of it. When it is cut too shalow, the light will not get reflected through facets and it escapes. So, no reflection of light will happen.

Carat: A carat is the unit of weight by which a diamond is measured.1 carat = 200mg. One carat is divided into 100 points therefore a 1/2 carat diamond is described as .5 of a carat, or 50 points, or a ½ carater.Deciding the carat of diamond depends on the use (proportionate to size of finger)

The fifth c is Certificate. Get a certiicate, when you buy a diamond.

When you buy it in same amount, always bargain for price reduction.A diamond price depends on global dollar value. We got some reduction when we bargained with this particular point :).